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Top 20 Requesters
122734 requests
ocmsma 9514
Disney3xJC 7870
boundlessrealm 5003
kray 4430
RichInOrlando 4230
jahosifatz 4120
eatmon74 3332
brendafitz24 2888
daguru 2684
mickeem 2659
wdwaddict 2583
Ellory 2526
schinkus98 2432
onecutemoose 2196
swimasb 2187
JTToad 1959
darkclouds 1800
WDWFan 1778
leaveittobeavs 1561
bison74 1491
Top 20 Raters
373290 ratings
Disney3xJC 5301
RichInOrlando 5215
Incredibles 5185
rorpage 5061
ratty 5051
napabeth 4999
jahosifatz 4996
tfay 4955
JonathanCC 4916
JTToad 4908
ocmsma 4895
UncleDick 4796
wdwaddict 4692
onecutemoose 4639
ninnajen 4555
LlamaLlover 4429
SGV 4237
mdegrand 4224
leaveittobeavs 4185
lajeff76 4153
Top 20 Dedicators
36613 Dedications
ocmsma 5932
RichInOrlando 4077
jahosifatz 3966
Disney3xJC 2575
onecutemoose 1924
JTToad 1893
leaveittobeavs 1387
bison74 1346
daguru 1338
WDWFan 957
pugmalion1 899
Therewasatime 692
meyer4 537
Ellory 451
LlamaLlover 421
eatmon74 387
UncleDick 370
zeppelindude 357
SweetMelissa 348
RavenStGermaine 331
Top 20 Donators
201842 flyer miles earned
ocmsma 16130
InnerseekerOrlando 12981
eatmon74 10650
JTToad 9920
Disney3xJC 9650
jahosifatz 7011
allgold 6818
schinkus98 6523
wdwaddict 6284
kraysister 5725
napabeth 5700
brendafitz24 5535
usafgirl1994 4580
swimasb 4057
kray 3985
boundlessrealm 3930
onecutemoose 3780
Figmentathm 3670
LlamaLlover 3647
InfamousB 3500
Top 20 Frequent Flyers
1225891.7 flyer miles spent
daguru 1006149.9
ocmsma 24567.6
Disney3xJC 18251.6
jahosifatz 10455.9
eatmon74 10420.9
boundlessrealm 8325.6
kray 7835.5
Ellory 6925
WDWFan 6593.1
wdwaddict 6093.6
schinkus98 5725.9
brendafitz24 5033.4
swimasb 4858.3
onecutemoose 4545.2
JTToad 4459.5
InfamousB 3638.6
Therewasatime 3527.6
napabeth 3198.7
ttomlin 3049.3
aprildecember 3020.5
Top 20 Commenters
jahosifatz 2481
ocmsma 2366
UncleDick 1321
meyer4 949
daguru 884
pugmalion1 858
RichInOrlando 693
napastoy 689
bullfrog117 682
leaveittobeavs 662
bison74 608
onecutemoose 540
schinkus98 489
CAIRat 470
Disney3xJC 464
WDWFan 325
BabyLeMur 273
ninnajen 228
Figmentathm 226
bamajenn 196

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